
Replacing a thirsty lawn with a drought tolerant ground cover is rewarding in many ways. There are many different varieties to choose from, allowing one to establish the exact look one desires. Each ground cover provides a different color and texture of leaf. Some also bloom. Most ground covers completely eliminate the need to mow, making them extremely low-maintenance. They also use minimal water and will so drastically reduce your water bill.
This photo shows a newly established "myoporum" ground cover. It is evergreen, lush and only maintained once a year. From afar it actually looks like grass!

Artificial turf is another way to save water and eliminate the need for regular maintenance. Over the past few years it has become more and more popular, as there now are several companies which have designed a grass looking and feeling almost like the real thing. When properly integrated, the artificial grass area will blend in well with the rest of the garden and can be enjoyed by all ages.
One of our clients: "It's so incredible, and you can see the dogs love it too."

Fruit, fruit trees, fruit bearing vines and vegetable boxes make a great addition to any outdoor space. Why not make use of the California sun and grow your very own organic fruit, vegetables and herbs? It’s easy and fun!